Monday, December 13, 2010

A killer is never born, always made

No one is ever born mean, sarcastic, bitchy, evil, cruel, kind, loving, patient, tolerant, quiet, shy.

We are what society makes us. What the people do and think around us. We as children were never born with the ability to be who we are now. We pick up, and we learn. We make mistakes, we pay for them, we suffer and we grow. Some people have the ability to pick things up easier, faster. Some people learn from making mistakes, from feeling pain, some people are just dull and ignorant. 

Honestly to god, I was picked on when I was a kid. In elementary school. I remembered being so naive and well soft spoken. But I had a keen memory see, I could basically remember everything cruel that was done to me, and I've always kept it inside me. Maybe thats why I find it so hard to forgive people. People say that the most innocent tend to wound the worst. Well I'm far from innocent now, but I'd imagine that I was when I was younger. But anyways.

Life is cruel, really. It doesn't give you a break, no matter how much you want it to. Sure maybe in the small occasion it cuts you some slack. But most of the time it just bitch slaps you around for the kicks. When you get kicked down enough, you start learning to fight back, you start growing harder skin and stop crying on the floor hoping someone would come and save you. You start becoming someone who takes no shit. People call you aggressive, they call you too strong willed, too hard on people. But when you've taken so much shit, you really can't be arsed to take more. 

As time goes on, you learn balance, learn to let the small things go, start to learn to trust a little. Experience will then teach you that you actually have to deal with people that will screw you over time and time again, but to be likable and accepted you have to deal with it. Life is confusing.

I was never born as the person I was today, I was made into who I am. Life has put me through some shit, and its not done with me yet. I'm just not sure how am I gonna take it in stride and not fall on my ass more. So to you readers that had yourself misunderstood and mistaken. Cheers to you.

Lets all try to get through life without screwing up too much, or hurting too many people.

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